
Join CTC’s Educator Support Group

Critical Therapy Center invites you to a 9-week School Staff Support Group to cultivate healing, empowerment, and social justice for uncertain and challenging times. Details ● WHO?  All school staff are welcome, including (but not limited to), teachers, administrators, social workers, and paraprofessionals. ● WHEN? Thursdays 4:30- 6:30pm, for 9 consecutive weeks, starting February 4th, 2021 ● WHERE? Zoom ●…

Moving Our Main Office to: 244 Fifth Avenue

Critical Therapy Center’s main office has moved as of November 1st, to 244 Fifth Avenue, just two blocs away from our old offices.  Two blocks away, yet for me, those two streets felt like a world away. Moving during a pandemic is strange, especially since the move was precipitated by the novel coronavirus.  Our landlord, unable to sustain the cost…

Decolonizing Psychology Conference

We are excited to announce our participation in the upcoming conference: Decolonizing Psychology: Application in Research and Clinical Practice.  This three-day conference is organized by students at The Frantz Fanon Center for Intersectional Psychology and The Attachment Lab at The New School of Social Research and will explore decolonial approaches to psychology. Mainstream psychology continues to privilege and promote the…

COVID-19 & Mental Health

Hundreds of millions of us are currently at home, surviving a pandemic.  Heightened anxiety, fear and panic is our new reality.  Touching and hugging are non-existent, and even among loved ones, while sheltering in place, anxiety over our bodies touching, is always subconsciously present. Life as we know it has changed, yet the bills keep pilling up, although for some,…

What is an apology?

Each admission here defies a blood vow determined long before my birth. An apologist is a traitor of the highest order. How many men, how many fathers ever admit to failures or offenses? The act itself is a betrayal of the basic code. It sprays shrapnel of guilt in all directions. If one of us is wrong, the whole structure…

A love note from our Founder

New York, February 14, 2019 Merry Valentine! The subject of love has been on my mind lately.  I am thinking about love as a force.  I am thinking about love and power dynamics.  Love has the power to hurt, heal and expand our universe.  Culturally, especially on a day like today, most of us associate love with romance and sexuality. …

Happy Solstice!

This post is part of CTC’s Reflections from our Clinicians series. These series consists of blogs written in the first person narrative, meant to reflect our values of independence while ensuring a broader diversity of topics, styles and opinions. New York, December 21, 2018 Happy Winter Solstice! Tonight is the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. How…

Beyond the Script: What’s Missing from the #MeToo Conversation? Some Original Dialogue

Now that a famous Hollywood mogul has been exposed and Bill Cosby convicted of sexual assault, will men behave better? The problem with celebrity cases like these is that they are simple, we know how to identify the abuser and the victim. Most of the time, however, unwanted sexual encounters are not as straightforward. As psychotherapists we counsel many women…

The psychological pains of American workers

This post is part of CTC’s Reflections from our Clinicians series. These series consists of blogs written in the first person narrative, meant to reflect our values of independence while ensuring a broader diversity of topics, styles and opinions.   New York – March 28, 2018 Last Friday, Nicanor Ochisor, a 65-year-old cab driver, was found hanging from a wooden…

Intimate Torturers

This post is part of CTC’s Reflections from our Clinicians series. These series consists of blogs written in the first person narrative, meant to reflect our values of independence while ensuring a broader diversity of topics, styles and opinions. The recent shooting in Texas is generating conversations regarding mental health, gun control and domestic violence. President Trump’s statement about the…

Critical Therapy Institute (CTI) focuses on teaching, research and the application of critical therapy in advisory, consulting, and educational services.

Critical Therapy (CT) provides psychotherapy to individuals, couples, families and groups. With a deep commitment to liberation and empowerment, our focus is on transformation.

244 Fifth Avenue
9th Floor
New York, NY 10001
Phone: 646-504-3230
Email: info@criticaltherapy.org

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