Baseball, A-Rod, and Psychotherapy

CTC decided to introduce a couple of posts reflecting some of the opinions and perspectives of our clinicians. This new endeavor will consist of blogs written in the first person narrative, meant to reflect our values of independence while ensuring a broader diversity of topics, styles and opinions.

NYC. February 17th 2015

News headlines: Fans don’t accept Alex Rodriguez written apologies for using performance enhancing drugs.  Newspapers, lead stories on TV news channels.  Over and over and over on NY 1.  The best part — on the street reactions.  Very informative.Alex Rodriguez 2008-04-19

I can get to the men getting pedicures and knitting news next time.  Perhaps the notion that this is a progressive gender transgression will have surpassed the A-Rod shock and outrage by then.  I want to thank the news stations and papers for taking my mind off of Kent State, body bags of boys and girls across the world mutilated and burned and beheaded and bombed and starved and people with curable diseases dead and filthy water supplies and massacres and a semi-automatic handguns free for all and holocausts and radical racism and, hmm… one more… climate change.  One more, the slaughter of non -human animals and complete annihilation of their habitats and the gentrification of the Amazon. There.

One correction, Kent State.  Apologies, that happened back in history and I mistakenly added that now relatively minor protest and then slaughter of college kids by the US government’s para military forces in with current mass slaughter.  Live and learn.

But, back to Alex Rodriguez and the art of the news — You awful man.  So long to the art of reporting or welcome to the fine art of ignoring.  Which brings up me… I’m a psychotherapist so I look forward to next time when I reveal my thoughts on women and hysteria (and I honestly love Freud to death) and men and knitting.  My art is the analysis of the spoken narrative.  The reading of what appears to be — the ignored.

However, unlike the news, the psychotherapy/analytic space hopefully brings forth the ignored in order to reveal, not conceal, what lies beneath.

Ultimately, the lack of the ignored pulls the wool up, not over the eyes of those in pain — potentially revealing a personal trauma or historical horror.  The patient feels the pain of the horror in order to get better.  Psychotherapy is then the anti-ignore/ant.

Spring training is here, play ball.



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Critical Therapy (CT) provides psychotherapy to individuals, couples, families and groups. With a deep commitment to liberation and empowerment, our focus is on transformation.

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