CTC at 3 – Thank You!

Happy New Year! January 2015 marks the three year anniversary of the Critical Therapy Center. We are having an amazing journey as we continue to grow, learn and think about ways psychotherapy and psychology interact with everyday life.

Throughout 2014 we have served an even broader range of people struggling with an array of issues. We have also helped executives and companies seeking to foster organizational change. While doing all this work, we have continued to learn and expand our understanding of critical therapy as a theory.

2014 came with opportunities for growth, as we begun to train clinicians. This training has provoked questions such as “what is a critical therapist?”, a question that became the topic of two presentations this year, one at the NASW 2014 National Conference and the other at the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society – 2014 Annual Conference.

We’ve sponsored several events, perhaps most notably The People’s Climate March. Studies have shown how climate change will negatively impact Americans’ health and psychological well-being. Reports show how the increase in the frequency and severity of natural disaster and other climate change related problems, will cause psychological symptoms such as stress, anxiety, depression and loss of community identity. Climate changes will likely leads to more cases of PTSD and other mental health conditions.

While expanding our outreach and trying to spread critical therapy ideas into mainstream culture, we’ve been interviewed and featured in several news stories. As we continued to support human rights defenders and victims, in partnership with Physicians for Human Rights, we also have conducted pro-bono assessments and affidavits supporting victims of torture to obtain asylum in the United States.

As our blog readership continues to grow, we continue to share with you our thoughts, ideas and theory. We hope you’ve subscribed (either through email subscription or RSS Feed) to our CTC Blog and find our stories compelling.

On a more personal note, 2014 has been an amazing year as I’ve watched CTC grow, while having opportunities to learn both theoretically and practically. I thank both Carolyn and Monica for their on-going support and for always being by my side in this endeavor. I also want to thank my friends and family, who continue to support me and without whom I could not do what I do. Lastly I am forever grateful to the patients I work with and see day in and day out, for challenging me, for teaching me, and for giving me the privilege to be a part of their lives.

Thanks and here’s to another year!




Critical Therapy Institute (CTI) focuses on teaching, research and the application of critical therapy in advisory, consulting, and educational services.

Critical Therapy (CT) provides psychotherapy to individuals, couples, families and groups. With a deep commitment to liberation and empowerment, our focus is on transformation.

244 Fifth Avenue
9th Floor
New York, NY 10001
Phone: 646-504-3230
Email: info@criticaltherapy.org

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